Would You Rather Book Tag
Hello! I first saw this book tag on Just Another Bookish Blog and couldn't help but participate! I challenge all of my students!
1. Read only series or stand-alone books?
I would rather read stand-alone books. Series can be great books toget you reading if you are in a reading slump, however I prefer stand-alone books because series can get old after awhile, you start guessing what will happen, and they just get to the point that they need to end. It's like a lot of tv shows I watch-after so many seasons, they just need to end it. After three books, usually, a series needs to end (there are exceptions though). Stand-alones are great at ending when they need to (even if we yearn for an addtional book!)
2. Read a book whose main character is male or female?
I would rather read a book with a female character-especially one who breaks the mold, is outside of the norm, is independent. I don't like female characters who are helpless and cause drama.
3. Shop online or at an actual bookstore?
I would rather shop at an actual bookstore-if I had the time and money. Used book stores or small bookshops are my favorite. I love the smell of books and digging in the shelves.
4. Have all books become movies or TV shows?
I would rather books become TV shows in order to have more detail. Too much is left out in movie adaptations!
5. Read 5 pages a day or 5 books a week?
I would rather read 5 books a week-but it is impossible for me as a working mom. There are days I'm lucky to read five pages!
6. Be a professional book reviewer or an author?
I would MUCH rather be a professional book reviewer-oh to be paid to read!
7. Only read the same 20 books over and over, or only be allowed to get a new book every 6 months?
I would rather get a new book every six months IF I could keep all of they books I already own because I have HUNDREDS! (Maybe not hundreds, but there are a lot-especially on my Kindle. I love free and cheap books!)
8. Be a librarian or own a bookstore?
I would rather be a librarian-I wanted to be a librarian when I was younger and one of my favorite jobs in college was at the library. Shelving books was very relaxing. I think having to be on the business side of a bookstore would be too stressful. I want to focus on the books!
9. Only read your favorite author or genre?
I would rather only read my favorite genre because there would be more variety than with my favorite author (JK Rowling!).
10. Read only physical copies or ebooks?
I would rather only read *gasp* ebooks! I lvoe my Kindle, more than I love physical books. I do love the smell and feel of books, but my Kindle is so handy and I am very dependent on it. I love it!
I hope you enjoyed my Would You Rather book tag. If you participate-comment with a link to your post!
Students- I challenge you!
Happy reading!