Top Five Children's Books
Weekly Blog Post: Top Five Wednesday
This is a weekly post that I found on Goodreads. I love their lists they come up with. This post is actually supposed to be for July 12, I am a week behind, but I couldn't pass it up! I broke the list into two separate lists: picture books and novels. Enjoy!
Top Five Children's Picture Books
Love You Forever by Robert Munsch: My mom would read this book to me all the time. It brought me to tears the first time I read this to my daughter. It is such a beautiful story and it defintely has to be my first on this list.
Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony: This book is hilarious with an awesome message. My daughter loves to act it out and we have a great time.
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn: Another beautiful story about love and I enjoy reading it to my daughter so much. I can't wait to read it before she goes to Kindergarten, as it is centered around going to school.
Before I Go To Sleep by Ronne Randall: A good friend bought this book for my daughter right before she was born. I remember sitting in a restaurant and her explaining how much the book meant to her. Her daughter also put her handprint in the book.
Owl Babies by Waddell: This book is one that I constantly read to my daughter when she was little and she and I both had it pretty well memorized. We still pick it up every now and then has a great message about parents always coming back.
Top Five Children's Novels
Harry Potter series by JK Rowling: Of course! What a great series about love, friendship, and the power of good.
Wonder by RJ Palacio: A book I have read to my students at the start of every school year because of the powerful messages. Standing up for each other, kindness, friendship, and perseverence.
The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate: What a wonderful book! A student recommended it to me and I was hooked from the start. It has stuck with me since, and you know that means it is a good one!
The Giver by Lois Lowry: Another book that is always at the front of my mind. I have read it so many times and I just can't get enough.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D Taylor: One of my favorite books from my childhood. I don't remember reading it a lot, but I remember it always being around. Looking at the cover, it is very worn, so I must have had it with me a lot and read it numerous times. It is a great story on acceptance and gives a great glimpse into what life was like during the Civil Rights Movement. I believe this is a great book for encouraging empathy.
There is my list! I hope you enjoy and if you have some to add or a post on your blog, please comment!
Happy reading!