Summertime Madness Book Tag
Weekly Blog Post: Tag It Thursday
I love these fun book tags! I am not sure where I found this one, so if it was you, let me know! I will tag some of my followers on Instagra
m, but if you do this tag let me know in the comments. I would love to read your answers!
Show a book with a summery cover! ( I couldn't find a summery cover, so I chose the top 3 middle grade books I hope to read this summer!)
Pick 1 fictional place that would be the perfect destination for your summer vacation: Anywhere warm and by water. Unfortunately, most of the books I read are dystopian and I am not sure those would be the most relaxing of destinations.
You're about to go on a flight to your summer vacation, but you want to read a book that lasts the entire flight. What book do you choose? Booked by Kwame Alexander is an entertaining and short enough read to keep me going on a flight.
You have a case of summertime sadness, what happy book do you pick up to shine a smile on your face? El Deafo by Cece Bell is hilarious!
You're sitting on the beach with...which fictional character? Luna Lovegood! She would be so much fun to hang out with, especially on a beach. She could tell me what marine life lived under the surface and what was hiding in the sand.
To match your ice cream, you want a cool sidekick! Which fictional sidekick do you pick? Crenshaw from the book Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate. He is hilarious, loves ice cream, and is a giant cat...enough said.
I hope you enjoyed my Summertime Madness Book Tag. Happy reading!