STUDENT REVIEW: Twice Upon A Time by James Riley
Twice Upon A Time by James Riley (Sequal to Half Upon a Time)
Published April 16, 2013
Jack and May are back for another adventure in the world of fairy tales with a twist. This time, they're on the hunt to learn May's true identity after the surprising reveal in Half Upon A Time about May's grandmother's real intentions.
Searching for answers brings Jack and May to the world of the Sea King, landing them right in the center of a battle between mermaids and the Pirate Bluebeard.
The laughter and action are as nonstop as ever in this next book from new author James Riley! -Goodreads
Review by Thepupherfish
Five Stars! It was really good. I chose this book because I read the first book and it was soooo good.
What I liked
It had lots of action.
What I didn't like
They didn't move around as much.
Favorite Quotes
"Whaaaaaat is going on"
"I'm sort of comforted by the fact that I can't figure it out"
"War breaks out between the colors blue and red, though green seems jealous that it wasn’t involved. Yellow, meanwhile, hides in the corner."
everyone in the world!