Renew in January
2024 ended up being a really sad year with the loss of my father-in-law. I plan on sharing more of this later, but that’s not the purpose of this post. This post is to share my intention for this year. I’m not going to do a yearly word as I normally do, instead maybe just a monthly focus or goal. Honestly, whatever happens and feels right because that is the stage I am in. Just go with it. Follow my gut.
So on to the title of this post-Renew. January is actually a month I enjoy, despite the dreary, cold days and post-holiday exhaustion. Looking back is something I love doing-as you’ve seen in previous posts. Reflecting is powerful. I also love setting new goals and seeing what others strive for. Everyone seems ready to do something. To change something.
That being said, my focus this month is not change. It is renewing.
Renewing my love of writing.
Renewing my love of reading by rereading old favorites.
Renewing my body through focusing on health-physical and mental.
Renewing my love of scrapbooking and journaling.
Renewing my love of kidlit-and finding my place again.
Renewing my love of online community-here, instagram, and maybe YouTube.
I wanted to share a few graphics that reflect my goals and would love to hear yours!
Thank you for being here. Take care of yourself.
This is my self-care bingo and my goal is to choose something each day or every few days to do. I don’t really have to get a bingo, it’s more of a choice board. But I wanted a visual to print and to refer to as needed. And as a reminder to focus on my health.
I hope to do a weekly check in with this! If you have other self-care activities or ideas, send them my way!
My reading goals
My writing goals
What are your focuses on 2025? Comment, join the chat, or DM me! I would love to hear from you.