QOTW: Booked by Kwame Alexander
"Books are fun, Nicholas," he says, "they're like amusement parks." "Yeah, well, maybe they would be fun if I got to pick the rides sometimes," you answer.
-Booked by Kwame Alexander I chose this quote because it spoke to me as a teacher. One thing I have always advocated for and believed in is choice. I have been teaching reading for 4 years and I see the most success when a student gets to choose. I feel I have a great responsibility as a middle school teacher to help students find their path in reading and to help them make those choices. I like to guide them in choosing to not finish a book as well-we all have books we don't read, but some have trouble letting books go. Sometimes you need to. I also like to guide students into new areas of reading, new genres, and letting them make the choice after I show it to them.
I like to think I give a lot of choice in the classroom as well. We all enjoy things more when we have a say, choices are important.
My middle school students are at the age of finding out their independence and figuring out where they stand. They have to learn how to make choices. This is probably one of the biggest reasons I love the middle school age group-they are emerging as individuals. They are growing into adults. As you can tell, I have a great passion when it comes to teaching and my students.
If you are a teacher or a parent or a mentor of any kind, please encourage choice and independence in your readers. You can guide, you can open their eyes to new books, but readers need choice to enjoy a book.
If you haven't read Booked, please do. It's an amazing book. Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on this quote as well!
Thanks for stopping by!