June Wrap Up and July TBR
June Wrap Up
Total books read: 18
This has been a great month for reading. I read seven middle grade novels as well as several books with my four year old and several books for myself! I am so excited-this is what summer is all about!
Here is a list of the middle grade novels I finished this month:
The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (more young adult really)
The Magicians Nephew by C S Lewis
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D Taylor
July TBR
I really do not do well with setting reading goals. I plan on reading as many books as I did in June. Some of the books I hope to read include:
Serafina and the Twisted Staff by Robert Beatty
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis
A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
I also hope to make a good dent in Alexander Hamilton by Rob Chernow.
What books did you read? What are your goals for next month?
Happy reading!