June Challenge: Can You Read a Series in a Month?
Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge
This fantasic challenge was found on Unconventional Bookviews and was created by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading.
Here's the gist: between June 1st and June 30th, read all the books in a series. Yep! You heard me, all of the books.
Guidelines? There should be at least three full length novels in the series.
Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge Rules
Pick 1 series. Write a blog post sharing your choice.
Read EVERY book in the series.
Read them all between 12am June 1st and 11:59pm June 30th. They MUST be marked on Goodreads accordingly (or in your own reading log).
Enjoy bragging to everyone about how you’re all caught up on whatever series you read.
Can You Read a Series in a Month? My choice :
I am setting a fairly difficult goal, but one that I really want to try to complete. It is supposed to be a challenge, correct? So, I am choosing to read The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. The challenging part? There are 7 books and I would like to read all 7 with my four year old. I am not sure how this will go, her attention span is only so long. I may incorporate an audiobook if needed, for trips in the car. I have been wanting to reread this series for a long time and am really excited to share this with my daughter. My biggest hurdle right now is finding the books. I don't own them all, so I am trying to obtain a library copy. I hope it arrives soon!
Are you participating?
Happy reading!