J. Anderson Coats Visit
Our class has an author who is mentoring us this year as part of the #KidsNeedMentors program. Our mentor is...
J. Anderson Coats!
Click on the picture to go to her website.
At the beginning of the year, she sent us a video and 5 books plus bookmarks for all students. Her books are The Many Reflections of Miss Jane Deming and R is for Rebel. (Links are to Amazon)
Today, she visited us virtually through a Google Hangout. The questions from the students were phenomenal and we learned so much more about her personally and professionally.
What the Students Thought
It was fun and interesting.
Now I want to write a book.
Anyone can be a writer if they want to.
I am really looking forward to talking to her again. Now, I want to read some of her books!
I learned a lot of things about how to sorta feel confident about who you are as a person and how to let your writing have a special story to tell.
She was bullied, like everyone that has a good career in life.
She loves what she does.
Writing doesn’t always go your way and it’s not going to be perfect the first time you do it.
Authors are patient and driven.
Even if you can’t write, just try.
You can do something that you never think about doing for a living and be very successful with it. No matter how many ups or downs you have.
It was inspirational.
Authors are just like every other person.
J. Anderson Coats’ Words of Wisdom
“Every book is more different, some need more research. The voice happens differently in your head and the more you write, the better it gets.”
“Learn to write this book.”
“When you take risks, you get better.”
Nobody should feel like they can’t write because everyone has a story and should tell it. If you have any doubts, remember it is natural.”
“I learned that writing kept me going during hard times. It helped me feel better putting my feelings on a page.”
“Ideas come from everywhere. They intrude on your life, you have a thought, see something on the news, and it sticks with you.”
“I like to create something out of nothing.”
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