It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Well, it’s actually Tuesday...but better late than never right?
Books I Finished
Spinner of Dreams is released August 27 and Gravemaidens October 29. Both books were amazing and beautiful, so preorder now!
Option Pile
I also had some fun with book pictures:
The most exciting thing that has been going on for me is The Would You Rather game on my blog. I asked 40 children’s book creators questions and have been featuring two questions a day on the blog. It’s been a fun experience and I hope to continue some fun things like this once a month, plus interviews with each creator.
With writing, I joined Kate Messner’s Teachers Write and that started yesterday. I also am working on a story and am doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month.
Thanks for stopping by! Share what you’ve been reading and writing.