IMWAYR: June 5, 2017
Weekly Blog Post: It's Monday, What Are You Reading?
Here’s the weekly reflection for IMWAYR hosted by the Book Date.
Books Finished
The Dragons of Blueland by Ruth Stiles Gannett: I have been reading this three book series to my daughter every evening for the past two weeks. We have completed the series once and are halfway through our second reading. It is her first chapter book, and I couldn't be more proud of my growing reader.
The False Prince by Jennifer A Nielsen: I have quickly become a huge Jennifer Nielsen fan. I loved A Night Divided and now I have finished this great book and am looking for more of her books to add to my pile. This is a great fantasy novel that will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat.
The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller: If you are a reading teacher, or any teacher really, or in education, or have a strong belief in reading (isn't that why you are blogging about reading?) then you HAVE TO READ this book. I have highlighted so much and cannot wait to start my new school year with some of her tips.
All the Pretty Things: The Story of a Southern Girl Who Went Through Fire to Find A Way Home by Edie Wadsworth: What a powerful and heartbreaking memoir. This was a quick read and I highly recommend.
Currently Reading
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (audiobook)
A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
The Graveyard Book by Niel Gaiman
What are you reading this week?
Happy reading and blogging!