Final: #bookaday Challenge
The #bookaday challenge from Donalyn Miller is over. My goal was to read 73 books from May 19 to July 31. I have a complete list of the books I read here.
What I Learned
I learned many things from challenging myself to read a book a day this summer.
I made more time to read throughout the day.
I used all kinds of media to read my books: audiobooks, Kindle, phone, and physical books.
I find true happiness when I walk into the library with my daughter to find books.
I can read audiobooks successfully (I struggle sometimes).
I can enjoy audiobooks (again, I have struggled in the past).
My daughter and I reread a lot of books (which I didn't count).
I began devoting twenty minutes each night to reading books to my daughter. She is four and we have started some chapter books. I am loving it!
I have read the Chronicles of Narnia series, completely.
I learned to abandon books a little quicker.
My Favorite Memories
Visiting the library with my daughter.
Reading her first chapter book, My Father's Dragon.
Reading The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller in a day and becoming inspired to start my school year.
My Favorite Books
My Father's Dragon: My daughter's first chapter book!
The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller (reading teachers out there, this is a MUST READ!)
The Shadow Lands by Elizabeth Kostova
Beartown by Frederik Backman
The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D Taylor
I definitely enjoyed this challenge. My daughter will be five next summer and I know that we will embrace this challege together again. I am excited to challenge her the summer she learns to read. I must wait a little longer.
It was a great summer of reading!