Destruction and Tragedy Project
It's time for our next research project! This is a graded project and students will be required to present to the class. We are making a timed slide with just visuals to share information about a tragic or destructive event in our history. Below are the steps to take to complete the project, resources, and helpful presentation tips. Have fun!
Here is an example of a visual, timed presentation:
Possible Topics
List of Disasters & Tragedies
Each topic can only be chosen TWICE in each class, so be sure to have at least 4 topics that you would be interested in learning about.
-Use Simple English Wikipedia to learn more about the topics. This will not be considered a source, just a place to gather information.
Apollo 1 (The Space Race)
Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Prestige Oil Spill
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Salem Witch Trials
The Boston Massacre
The French and Indian War
The Underground Railroad
The Great Recession (economic)
The Great Depression
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Assassination of JFK
The Plague
War in Afghanistan
Vietnam War
Persian Gulf War
The Trail of Tears
The Hindenburg disaster
Joplin Tornado
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Sandy
Mt. St. Helen
2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
New Madrid Missouri Earthquake of 1811
San Francisco Earthquake of 1906
Dust Bowl
The Great Chicago Fire
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (The Triangle Fire)
The Influenza of 1918
Japan Fukushima Nuclear Crisis
Chernobyl Nuclear Crisis
Grasshopper Swarm of 1931
First Battle of Bull Run
Japanese Internment Camp
BP Oil Spill
Atomic Bomb on Japan
Marie Curie
Steps To Follow
Step 1: Choose Topic-tell Mrs. Ennis
Step 2: Locate 3 sources that are reliable. Use the Library Resources FIRST.
Step 3 (optional): IF you have to use another website, evaluate those sources using the Website Credibility Checklist (File-Make a copy, share with me). If one doesn’t score high enough, choose a new source.
Step 4: Use your Research Gathering Grid to complete the Who, What When, Where, Why, How and use two sources to confirm all the information.
Step 5: Highlight Important Facts yellow (Interesting stay unhighlighted).
Step 6: Use your sources and the information you’ve gathered to answer your conclusion question. Fill out the gathering grid for that question.
Step 7: Create Google Slides and decide how you will organize your information. (Remember you need 10-12 slides that will automatically advance after 15 seconds.)
Step 8: This step has two parts…. You can choose the order.
-Create your notes for each slide. Remember you will be talking for 15 seconds each slide. (Hint… most people speak at about 2 words a second. So each slide should have around 30 words … minus a few for the transition.) You can type notes in Google Slides or you can write on index cards. Your choice. I can print typed notes if needed.
-Choose images for your slides and place the images on the slide. Pixabay or Google Images (cite).
Step 9: Practice your presentation. Use Google’s Online Stopwatch to time how long you are speaking on each slide. If it is too short, add information. If it is too long, you either need to eliminate information or create two slides out of the information.
Step 10: Practice with a partner. Put your slides into presentation mode and give your presentation. Does your pace change?
Step 11: Evaluate yourself using PV LEGS. Practice on your own using the PV LEGS strategy.
Step 12: Practice using PV LEGS with a partner.
Bonus Step 13: Practice using PV LEGS at home with a sibling or parent!
Library resources here
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