#bookaday Day 1 2017
Day 1 of #bookaday was a success!
My goal is to read a book a day (73 books) this summer. Check out my previous post for more information.
Day 1
My book for today was My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. This is a very treasured book as it is the first chapter book that I've read to my four year old daughter. She may not have listened to every word, she may have played some of the time I was reading, but she sat with me and we finished it! We actually had started it the night before, but the majority of it was read tonight.
I absolutely loved this book. I found it on a blog about what chapter books were appropriate for four year olds and I am so glad I chose this one as our first. It had a lot of cute illustrations to hold her attention, it had short chapters with engaging titles, it was humorous (Tigers chewing gum, for example) and it was short. I loved that the message was about helping others and treating each other with kindness. I will definitely be looking at other books by this author and I believe this is a series, so I plan on finishing it with my daughter.
How is your challenge going? Even if you didn't finish a book-share how much you read! How many pages? How many minutes?
I love summer for two reasons: books and my daughter. Slowly, these two reasons are merging and I love it. She will be a little book dragon.
Happy reading and stay tuned for tomorrow!