Book Mail!
Coming home to a counter full of books that were delivered makes my heart so happy. My ARC sharing group experience has been so positive so far. I love that I have found a group of teachers who love books and reading as much as I do. I have one teacher who has made us stickers, another who writes fun notes inside, and others who put other surprises inside the packages. Not only are we helping authors out and we are getting to read new books, but we get to form some great relationships.
Currently, I am reading The Disappearance if Sloane Sullivan by Gia Cribbs. I have about fifty pages left! It has definitely been a page-turning, thriller YA book! I love it.
I am getting ready to send off Lizzy and the Good Luck Girl by Susan Lubner. That book was also really beautiful and hilarious.
Also being sent out soon is the picture book, If You Want to Fall Asleep by Jackie Azúa Kramer. This book has really poetic repetition and many parents will giggle and connect with the mother in this story
Next up is The Crowns of Croswald by D.E. Night.