Love You Forever-then and now Then worn pages creased cover faded lines a much-read much-loved favorite. My mom’s favorite to read to us we all learned to recite before we could read. Love You Forever A story from grief by Rober Munsch. Now But I didn’t know my true feelings- how much I truly loved that book- until I held that same faded cover with the same worn pages the same creased corner and read to my daughter over and over until we both could recite before she could read. A story is more than the pages more than the words. It’s the memories. And the most magical part is how a story can mean so much one day and completely something new the next.
The poem above was posted on Ethical ELA’s prompt For the love of words posted on September 18, 2023. It is dedicated to my mom-for reading me such a terribly wonderful book that makes me sob every time I even think of it! And the most amazing part is how that story has changed for me over the years.
What books from your childhood do you read with a different view now?
Reading Life
August Wrap Up!
I read 23 books…TWENTY-THREE in August! And there were so many good ones!
I have a blog post and a video where I share my thoughts. Tell me…what did you read last month that you loved? Anything I should read?
Recently Read
I only finished two books last week…
Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is a fast-paced, thrilling, tension-fueled mystery that was so much fun! I will read the next book.
Wings of Fire: Winglets Quartet by Tui T Sutherland was a read with my daughter and even though I haven’t read the series, these short stories were really good! They give background to other events, but I could enjoy them without having read the others.
Option Pile
I am reading so many good books!
Legit KidLit
Absolutely loved talking with Thushanthi Ponweera about her writing and her debut middle grade historical fiction novel in verse-I Am Kavi. It comes out tomorrow too!!!!
Subscribe to our Legit newsletter to enter to win a copy of her book and get alerts for new episodes.
That’s right. I am WRITING! I have written three VERY ROUGH drafts of poems the last two days.
Stand up and clap for me.
Thank you. Thank you.
I have to say, a big motivator for me has been Claribel Ortega’s #FinishUrBookFall going on online. Here’s some information for ya:
Thanks Claribel for creating this!!!
Another huge motivator is my new book club, Read to Write KidLit. It is also a podcast (coming soon) but just reading a book with a writer’s lens and then being inspired to imitate the writing has really helped. We are reading Mariama J Lockington’s In the Key of Us and she has poems told in the perspective of the summer camp sprinkled throughout, so I decided to write some poems from the pov of a car for my current WIP. Why a car? Because it is a Mad Max inspired racing story and the car is a huge part of the story. So she deserves her own poem right?
Other Stuff
What I am watching (always BookTube):
What I am listening to: Olivia Rodrigo’s newest album GUTS. It’s my vibe.
What I am creating:
And Finally…THE KIT KATS!
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