365 Days of Wonder- February 22
The precept for today is:
Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation for kindness. -Mencius
In order to have a reputation for kindness, you have to have a history of being kind. You have to have done enough kind and good deeds in order for others to think of you as a kind person. It is also not enough to say something nice, it is your actions that make a greater impact.
Do you have a reputation for kindness? I really hope I do. I really like to think I choose being kind as much as I can. We all have our bad days, mine happen when I am stressed out, but in the end, I hope others see me as kind above all other qualities. It is something I am constantly thinking about and critiquing myself over-did I say something in a nice way? Did I show that person kindness even though they didn't show it to me? Is it my first thought-to be kind?
How do you show kindness? How do you keep choosing kind?
365 Days of Wonder by RJ Palacio